Criminal lawyers is the title for those professionals who act as the defense in the courtroom. They prevent the government from falsely convicting those accused of crimes. Their pay rates can be very high under the right circumstances, but it takes some special talent to be a defense lawyer.
For one, defense lawyers work very long and very odd hours. They might spend all day at the office doing research and paperwork only to spend the evening visiting clients and looking for evidence. Even if they are highly efficient at the office, their work demands their attention at non-regular times.
Criminal lawyers also need to meet clients in weird places. They commonly make visits to hospitals and jails. They need to gather information from injured clients or people that have been arrested. They certainly don’t get to arrange all their meetings in their conference rooms.
A third thing sets defense attorneys apart: they need to understand a wide range of subjects. Their field demands they can defend cases involving murder or drug offenses, but they must also be able to argue cases dealing with sex crimes, theft, and white collar crimes like embezzlement.
Lawyers must be smart, not only to pass the bar exam but to learn the differences between a bail bond hearing and a revocation hearing. On top of it all, they handle multiple cases at a time and must be proficient enough at each to win.
*This information is based on a criminal defense attorney in St. Louis, MO*
The People’s Counsel
4542 W Pine Blvd St. Louis, MO 63108